What is the “MetaKawn Huffaz Club”

3 min readFeb 15, 2022


Web3 without NFTs is unthinkable, as these assets have accounted for the majority of mainstream Web3 adoption. The volume and sales figures of these assets have grown to billions with people pouring in millions of dollars every single day. In fact, 2021 was regarded as the year for NFTs. And, 2022 began with the NFT market explosion with platforms like LookRare and Gem making waves in the market.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have been a watershed moment in the evolution of art, society, and music. They have also given many artists a fantastic opportunity to present their work and improve their life. The beauty of the NFT marketplace is that it embraces anyone, whether they have millions of social media followers or are unknown. It has offered content creators the exposure and engagement they deserve for their efforts. Ultimately, NFTs are a life-changer for many creators and creator communities.

And, to align with this vision of empowering creators, we at MetaKawn are debuting with our first NFT collection, the Metakawn Huffaz Club. This collection is a feature of 6.348 avatars that will represent a generation of modern muslims from all over the world, reflecting gender equality, multiethnicity and style diversity.

The MetaKawn Huffaz Club will represent guardians of the values of Islam (Huffaz) and will help to preserve the Quran in the blockchain.

Scribing The Quran into the Blockchain

Blockchain system is based on decentralizing the administration process. The system focuses on having countless records that hold the information, and whenever a change is required or introduced, all records will need to be updated with new information after being validated.

There are many similarities between the Blockchain system, and the process of reserving the Quran.

Back in time, the new verses of the Quran would be introduced to all the record holders (Huffaz) and let them know where the verse should be recorded in reference to other verses, thus slowly building the first Blockchain, the Quran.

And that is how the genesis of our first NFT collection began. We, on the MetaKawn Team, envision scribe the holy Quran in the blockchain.

The total number of avatars in the MetaKawn Huffaz Club is 6.348, corresponding to the sum of Ayats in the Quran. For every Huffaz NFT, one Aya will be dropped to its holder by the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan.

The MetaKawn Huffaz Club will be divided into two main categories:

  • 6.000 MetaKawn Huffaz: 3000 Huffaz Women & 3000 Huffaz Men, with the variable rarity of features, will be minted.
  • 348 MK Ambassadors Huffaz: MetaKawn is building some strong partnerships with successful modern muslims, from different fields, who will embrace our project from the start and attract their community.

A Utility Driven Collection

The MetaKawn Huffaz Club provides several utilities that will benefit all stakeholders with getting access to exclusive real and/or virtual experiences, which can include being the first to know about the latest news, VIP access to events, premium content, etc. Similarly, the ownership comes with access to special fan communities.

Moreover, our platform will have a governance club where members can vote on brand decisions, have input on which creators and causes are supported by the Kawn Fund, etc. Beyond that, 10% of royalties from NFT transactions will go to the Kawn Fund in order to support creators in need and other Charity programs.

Stay tuned on our website : metakawn.com to know more about how to mint the MetaKawn Huffaz Club.

